haval128,3 hash generator

You can easily generate the haval128,3 hash

max 20MB

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Note: hexstring must have an even length
Note: Make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces.
An error occurred during conversion. This option ignored.
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hash generated, but some options ignored due error!
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Haval Functions

The Haval function family represents a series of cryptographic hash functions designed to offer a flexible and secure way to produce hash values, which are widely used in various aspects of computer security, including data integrity verification and digital signatures. Originating from the MD (Message Digest) family, Haval stands out due to its unique features that allow for variable hash output lengths and a configurable number of rounds, which can enhance security and adaptability according to specific requirements.

Introduction to Haval

Haval is a cryptographic hash function that was introduced to provide more versatility and security than its predecessors like MD5 and SHA-1. It was designed by Yuliang Zheng, Josef Pieprzyk, and Jennifer Seberry in 1992. The primary feature that sets Haval apart is its ability to produce hash outputs of different lengths—namely, 128, 160, 192, 224, and 256 bits—offering a higher level of flexibility in security applications.

How Haval Works

Haval operates by processing the input message in blocks, similar to other hash functions, and producing a fixed-size output hash. However, Haval's distinctive feature is its configurability in two main aspects:

  1. Output Length: Users can choose the length of the hash output according to their security needs. This flexibility allows applications to balance between the speed of hashing and the level of security desired.
  2. Number of Rounds: Haval allows the selection of the number of rounds (3, 4, or 5) to process the data. More rounds increase security by making it harder for attackers to find collisions (two different inputs producing the same output).

Security Features

The security of a hash function is measured by its resistance to collisions, pre-images, and second pre-images. Haval was designed to be resilient against these attacks, with the variable number of rounds providing an additional layer of security. However, like all cryptographic algorithms, the evaluation of Haval's security is an ongoing process. Over time, researchers have identified potential vulnerabilities, especially with configurations using fewer rounds, leading to recommendations for using Haval with the maximum number of rounds for enhanced security.

Applications of Haval

Haval's flexibility and security features have made it suitable for various applications, including:

  • Digital Signatures: Haval can be used to generate secure and unique hash values that are essential for digital signatures, ensuring data integrity and authentication.
  • Data Integrity Verification: Its ability to produce variable-length hash outputs makes Haval an excellent choice for verifying the integrity of data in software distribution, file storage, and secure communications.
  • Secure Password Storage: By hashing passwords with Haval, systems can store password representations securely, making it difficult for unauthorized parties to derive the original password.


While Haval represents a significant step forward in the evolution of cryptographic hash functions, offering flexibility and enhanced security features, it's essential to stay informed about the latest security assessments and recommendations. As cryptographic research advances, newer hash functions may offer improved security features. However, Haval remains a noteworthy example of innovation in cryptographic technology, demonstrating the importance of adaptability and security in digital communications and data protection.